THE CROSSE: The crosse (lacrosse stick) is made of wood, laminated wood, aluminum, graphite or synthetic material. The crosse is shaped with a net pocket at the end. The crosse must be an overall length of 40-42 inches for attackmen and midfielders, or 52-72 inches for defensemen. The head of the crosse must be 6.5-10 inches wide, except a goalieās crosse which may be 10-12 inches wide. The pocket of a crosse shall be deemed illegal if the top surface of a lacrosse ball, when placed in the head of the crosse, is below the bottom edge of the side wall. The butt end of the stick must be capped with a rubber or comparable cap. "Beer" caps or other metal objects are not permissible for capping purposes and will result in a 1 minute non-releasable equipment penalty.
THE BALL: The ball must be made of solid rubber and can be white, yellow, orange or other NCAA approved color. The ball is 7.75-8 inches in circumference and 5-5.25 ounces.
THE HELMET: A protective helmet, equipped with face mask, chin pad and a cupped four point chin strap fastened to all four hookups, must be worn by all players. All helmets and face masks must be NOCSAE (National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment) approved. Helmet chinstrap must be snapped at all 4 hookups in order to play. All visors must be CLEAR when part of helmet.
THE MOUTHPIECE: The mouthpiece must be a highly visible color and is mandatory. A clear or white mouthpiece is unacceptable. Mouthpiece does NOT need to be attached to helmet during competition with a strap.
GLOVES: All players are required to wear protective gloves. The cutting or altering of gloves is prohibited.
All players (except goalkeeper): Required to wear shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, helmet, protective mouthpiece and athletic protective cup. Beginning in 2022, US Lacrosse boys field players must wear chest protection that meets the NOCSAE ND200 standard. Products must contain the NOCSAE log and SEI certification mark to be legal for play.
Goalkeeper: Required to wear helmet, throat protector, shoulder pads, chest protector, protective mouthpiece, gloves and athletic protective cup. Shin guards are very strongly recommended for all goalkeepers. Goalie chest protectors used after January 1, 2021 must be designed for lacrosse and meet the NOCSAE standard, ND200. Products must contain the NOCSAE logo and SEI certification mark to be legal for play